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Wailing Women Outreach Ministries (WWOM) is a Christian 510c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization created by and for women within Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Joaquin Counties. WWOM serves as a link of hope between opportunity and destiny for girls and women. Our mission is to win souls, transform lives, strengthen families and empower communities for the glory of God. Activities of Wailing Women Outreach Ministries are designed to empower women of all ages, helping to guide them into their God-promised destiny through faith, biblical principled living, community outreach and mentoring, according to Jeremiah 9:17-21 and 23, Proverbs 31: 10-28, and Titus 2:1-5.  




WWOMunder the Leadership of Minster Stephanie Wakefield and a Board of Directors, is committed to God and the work of His kingdom. Wailing Women are charged with, and accountable for, stepping out on faith in God and walking in victory.   


WWOM ensures that girls and women are nurtured, restored, and Holy Ghost empowered to live a guilt-free fruit-bearing life in Christ. Wailing women learn and teach life-empowering skills and techniques that include: self-esteem, money management, financial planning, marriage God's way, parenting God's way, job interviewing skills, and personal health and wellness maintenance.

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Women with professional experience and expertise provide academic tutorial services and assistance with homework/project assignments and college application guidance, as well as scholarship funding. Wailing Women model how women from all walks of life live Godly lives and win the battle against life's challenges that would destroy individuals, families, and communities. 

The vision of WWOM is to improve the quality of life for girls and women by breaking the cycles of poverty, teenage pregnancy, abuse, prostitution, illiteracy, and incarceration. 


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